Resolving things
This time of year is as good as any at resolving things, and it's just not me who thinks this way. Four thousand years ago the Babylonians, while celebrating their festival of Akitu, thought it might be a good idea to make resolutions to their gods. Their reasoning being, if they could keep their resolute promises throughout the year, the gods in turn then would treat them favorably.
So, New Year's resolutions started out having little to do with one’s own personal improvement, but more of a bargain; if I do this, then you’ll grant me that.
I wonder how much luck played into the Babylonian’s success at being granted the favor they craved? Today, one might resolve to earn or win a million dollars this year and, by using the Babylonian method, you could make a New Year’s resolution to buy a lottery ticket each day as your promise of being diligent. However, I’m not convinced that the “statistical gods” are going to reward you for keeping your promise. While I don’t like your odds, conversely, you have to be in to win. Therefore, I’m resolving things. I haven’t done this in a long time; been too busy. My take is this: you’re better off at least having a road map of where you want to go, right?
I’m not sure, though, that 2025 is simply a matter of where I want to go. Must admit, I’ve never felt discernment like this before. I’ve not been known necessarily as a look-before-you-leap kind of guy, but 2025 just feels different. It’s not a feeling of fear, but more of caution and extreme uncertainty. I normally charge into a new year, but I feel like I’m tiptoeing into 2025. As an example, think how one feels when entering a supposedly vacant house. You quietly make your way down the hall, checking each room in hope of verifying that nothing or nobody is there to alarm you, however, acknowledging your concern for what’s around the next corner.
So, I can map out my new year in any way that I want, but something tells me I better use chalk. Here’s my list:
My extended family are expecting new additions in 2025, a girl and a boy. No added pressure, but he will be the family’s first grandson. My role is to be the supportive “Poppa”, and I can get better at this. However, being made over with eye glitter is where my wife, “Mimi” excels and I have no desire to compete with her in this respect.
Here I’m repeating a mantra I posted earlier from an Akron, Ohio lady, “time will always be your most valuable asset.” I want to get better in 2025 at calibrating my usage of time so that I’m never too busy for family and friends and this especially includes caring to my mother in her continued rehabilitation.
It’s a delicate balance actually, reserving time for yourself as well as for others. That’s why I’m resolving to take more time to smell the roses, just not spray, prune and fertilize them this year. Besides, I have a glasshouse that needs erecting so that I can nurture seedlings into plants for our garden. This should reduce the number of trips to Lowes!
Similarly, I resolve to avoid the upcoming Trump tariff tax wherever I can. I’m already seeing the price of things increase by 30% and 40% in advance of the 2025 tax hike. My plan is to simply make my own or do without, and this could be a difficult promise to uphold. It might mean going without my beloved homemade guacamole for quite some time.
I’m also resolving to turn off the news channels. Yes, I’m volunteering to personally disconnect from all of the chaos that’s about to descend upon Washington D.C. Let those within the inner belt duke it out, just don’t mess with my family being able to sit around our fire pit undisturbed. And yes, I’m admitting that I’m removing myself from the reality of it all.
No, I don’t feel a need to apologize to the world for what is about to happen. Others understand and are already pitying us here in the U.S.
Here’s a recent development: to continue my active surveillance of my medical condition and utilize the opinions of the professionals, and my own common sense, to begin medical intervention when it is necessary.
I’m resolving to continue to seek solace in my seven thousand Spotify songs so that I can fall back to sleep at 2 am.
Ok, I’ve left the most challenging resolution until now. I resolve to send to my publisher the manuscript of my sequel by years’ end. I might need someone like my niece again, to hold me to this pledge.
And finally, here’s one to either make you smile or grimace. I resolve to continue posting my musings and random thoughts in this monthly blog, and as always, welcome your input.
These aren’t the 10 Commandments nor the 10 Suggestions, but more akin to the yardstick that gets taped to the kitchen wall to see how you measure up at the end of the year.
Wishing health, prosperity and glad tidings to all this year.